Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marriage versus living together Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marriage versus living together - Essay Example 14). There are those who argue that recent research concerning various aspects of interpersonal relations in romantic couples is based on married couples. Individuals who merely cohabitate are not likely to be as effected by the â€Å"increasing emphasis on the role of cognitive factors in marital functioning† (Baucom et al, p. 209) References Barich, Bielby, Rachel R., Denise D. "Rethinking Marriage: Change and Stability in Expectations 1967-1994."  Journal of Family Issues  17.2 (1996): 139-169. Web. 25 May 2011. . Baucom, Epstein, Daiuto, Carels, Rankin, Burnett, Donald H., Norman, Anthony D., Robert A., Lynn A., Charles K. "Cognitions in Marriage: The Relationship Between Standards and Attributions."Journal of Family Psychology. 10.2 (1996): 209-222. Print. Glick, Paul. "Marriage, Divorce, and Living Arragements."  Journal of Family Issues  5.1 (1984): 7-26. Web. 23 May 2011. .

Monday, October 28, 2019

Challenges Facing the Graduate Student Essay Example for Free

Challenges Facing the Graduate Student Essay The many challenges that face the potential graduate students may inhibit them from taking that first step to enrolling in graduate school. This paper will focus on personal challenges for this writer and strategies she will use to overcome them. Some challenges for this writer are working full-time, being financially responsible for others while maintaining a mortgage and family responsibilities. Time management and a novice regarding some computer programs also provide other challenges. Many obstacles have to be conquered in an effort to ensure success. Hardin (2008) contends these barriers often put her at a greater risk for being unsuccessful. The purpose for this writer entering graduate study is the hope of expanding her career opportunities to include teaching at the undergraduate level. Her motivation to return to school was two-fold. A divorce and a lengthy recovery following a work-related injury within a year inspired thoughts of facing the future being financially independent and wondering if the recovery would be without limitations to allow a return to bedside nursing. These life changes prompted soul searching and re-motivated this writer to pursue a graduate degree, a goal that had been set several years prior. As a graduate student this writer faces the challenges encompassed with being an adult. Over the past 30 years, there has been an escalation of students, primarily women, entering graduate study. According to Hardin (2008) the motivation for many women to return to school is usually centered on a major life change. These women usually return to college in an effort to support their families. Balancing commitments, such as work, life, school and other responsibilities create a stressor to the student and pose even more challenges. As the sole provider for two children and responsible for other financial costs that entail, this writer works full-time on the nightshift. Traditionally compensation on nightshift is more than traditional work schedules. Although financially this helps alleviate one stress for this writer, another stress is created, lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation, fatigue and sleepiness negatively affect function that often results in decreased productivity (Mulgrew, 2007). This writer believes working nightshift and facing the sleeping challenge poses a potential barrier to success. Based on 2004 statistics, approximately 15% of Americans work nontraditional work schedules (Chung, Wolf, Shapiro, 2009). Adan and Natale (2002) also found that the relationship between gender and shift work support the thought women are more morning types, preferring to retire to sleep earlier and rise sooner, which results in optimal mental performance. This writer believes this to be true of her. In an effort to meet the challenge of time management, she will keep an accurate calendar and prioritize all appointments, work schedule, and other commitments. Blocking out hours of the day to focus on schoolwork as well as ensuring enough sleep while pursuing personal goals such as exercise should encourage quality work. Procrastination is time’s enemy. A few minutes of effective planning will save time in the end. This involves a continual assessment and reassessment of priorities and activities (Spidal, 2009). Financial stressors also affect the graduate student. Hardin (2008) found lack of financial support may actually prevent an adult from enrolling in graduate school. The adult student often differs from the traditional student as her financial needs often include a mortgage and childcare. Working nightshift helps alleviate the financial deficit for this writer as nightshift pays a differential. Many nurses, including myself, will work extra shifts to offset the financial burden. Attending classes may inhibit the overtime opportunity, therefore smaller paychecks add to the existing financial load. A graduate student has to weigh the benefits of an education when after graduation her financial debt will increase (Morgenthaler, 2009). In an effort to minimize the loan amount, this writer researched loans and scholarships. She consulted her employer and found there were a few scholarships available in addition to education reimbursement. The scholarship amounts are monetarily limited. Some also require a commitment to continuing employment for a set number of years per scholarship. Despite these caveats, any amount of money is helpful to decrease the debt as well as ensuring longer employment. Another challenge facing this writer is she has never used PowerPoint in any arena. This may lead to a feeling of inadequacy. To neutralize this deficit she will ensure access to the latest computer programs for her papers, research, or presentation. Ultimately the amount of effort put forth by this writer to achieve desired educational results will depend on her overall motivation and dedication to her goal. Hardin (2008) has found that most graduate students are not prepared academically. This is associated to being away from the academic setting for a prolonged amount of time. Technological skills may be outdated or she may not understand the new computer programs. Conducting research and writing papers at a professional level may also be intimidating to the graduate student (Morgenthaler, 2009). Many challenges face this nontraditional graduate student as she returns to school. Although there are significant obstacles, this writer is optimistic about overcoming these obstacles by using the aforementioned strategies as she successfully completes graduate school.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Objection, On The Grounds of My Fist! Essay -- Comics, Abdul Rafi Ono

Passing the bar is more than a feather in one’s mortarboard – it is a testament to perseverance, ambition, and four years of nosebleeds. This is why for us law students, lawyers are extraordinary. Generalist lawyers in the past, those experts of every field of law, are regarded even more so. But recently, in a speech for UP Law’s 100th Anniversay, Sen. Edgardo J. Angara said that the age of these supermen-lawyers is over – the age of the specialists has come. The trend in Philippine legal profession is towards specialization, fueled by skepticism towards generalists, in our version of â€Å"kiu ĉasas du leporojn, kaptas neniun.† Who chases two jackrabbits catches none. But in comic books, the age of superhero lawyers is hardly over. After all, they started everything. Lawyers in capes and tights have always been present in the medium of comics since its inception. The concept would germinate and persist through the years. The following are only a few of the lawyers who put on capes, wish for luck, and kick some criminal derrià ¨res. The Clock Contrary to popular belief, the first masked superhero is not Superman - it is The Clock. Before he became a vigilante, former District Attorney Brian O’Brien believed in the courts, until it failed him. His decision to become a vigilante was sparked by a frustration with the court system, the flaws of which let criminals operate with impunity. His motivations would be explored by several comic book writers over the years, through several other superheroes, spanning all seven decades of comic book history. The Clock’s disguise was a three-piece suit, and he had a calling card that said, â€Å"The Clock Has Struck.† When DC Comics acquired the rights to the character in 1956, it let the character of..., superhuman lawyers are an indication of the masses’ admission that the legal system is the high-road, and vigilantism is the entertaining road, albeit the road that should not be taken. It is a confirmation by the people of that heroism is just one of the characteristics that define a member of the bar, literal ass-kicking not included. Works Cited Yap, D.J. "Senator Angara: ‘Superman-lawyer’ doesn’t fly anymore." Inquirer News. 5 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Hilyerd, William A. "Hi Superman, I'm a Lawyer: A Guide to Attorneys (And Other Legal Professionals) Portrayed in American Comic Books: 1910-2007." Widener Law Review 15.1 (2009): 159-195. Web. 15 Dec. 2011. Hilyerd’s research is the most helpful and exhaustive review on the topic, providing over 300 notes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motives for Iraq War through Realism and Neo-Conservatism Lenses Essay

The invasion on Iraq by the United States in 2003 has become the biggest, lengthiest, and most expensive use of armed force since the Vietnam War. It is the first major post-Cold War U.S. military action taken unilaterally, without an international coalition, and the first U.S. experience as an occupying power in a Middle Eastern country. Although the invasion decision was distinctive (U.S. military connection in an Arab or Muslim country), the argument here is that the Iraqi invasion deals with motives related to natural security, power, and resources. Both realism and neo-conservatism claim to capture the motives behind the war, but only through a comprehensive comparison of the two can a synthesis be achieved. On March 20th, 2003, the United States military invaded Iraq with the ground campaign lasting almost three months. According to then-President of the United States, George W. Bush, and then-Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, stated reasons for the invasion included the disarmament of â€Å"Iraq, especially with respect to weapons of mass destruction; the ending of Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism; and the liberation of the Iraqi people† (White House Archives). On May 1, the end of major combat operations was declared, ending the invasion period and beginning the military occupation period. However, was this war really needed to put an end to Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq—a regime that, at that time, had been considered a threat to the United States, as the neo-conservatives claim? Moreover, did Iraq really possess weapons of mass destruction, or was control of Iraq's oil the reason for the United States to invade it, as realists may posit? Often termed the â€Å"pessimistic view† of international politics...>. Lieberfeld, Daniel. "THEORIES OF CONFLICT AND THE IRAQ WAR." International Journal of Peace Studies 10.2 (2005): 1-20. Print. Lowbeer-Lewis, Nathaniel. "A Neo World? NEOCONSERVATISM, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND THE IRAQ WAR." Diplomat & International Canada 2009: 72-75.Diplomat & International Canada. 2009. Web. 4 Dec. 2010. . "President Discusses Beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom." White House Archives. 22 Mar. 2003. Web. 04 Dec. 2010.>. Walt, Stephen. â€Å"International Relations: One World, Many Theories.† Foreign Policy. Spring 1998: pg. 29-45. Waltz, Kenneth. â€Å"The Anarchic Structure of World Politics† International Politics. New York: Pearson, 2009. 37-58.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Theory Final Paper Essay

Due to the recent and anticipated changes the U.S. government has made and continues to make in procedures regarding contract awards, as well as external market pressures from the economic downturn, I submit this proposal as a new approach to the existing organizational structure. Because talent and loyalty are at such a high premium in today’s workforce, I submit that the workforce be modified structurally rather than a full-scale reduction. This economic crisis will not last long and our current reaction and decisions will determine our longevity in the market. So the main objective of this restructure will be to make the best and most beneficial use of our employees that are committed to moving forward and to continue to build goodwill with our employees, shareholders, customers and suppliers. Changes in technology are not an issue for this particular proposal. The very nature of this company enhances flexibility in technological changes and even spear-heads changes in some aspects of industry. There may be mild behavior changes needed, but only to coincide with structural changes. The structural changes should prove to be positively accepted, as underutilization and overutilization issues should be resolved. The outcomes expected are: * reduced costs by realigning talent to appropriate duties * redefining merits for bonuses and certain benefits * offering more flexible working conditions for higher performance * creating diverse teams based on goals and projects * redesign Marketing division, re-evaluate goals, re-evaluate performance Forces Driving Change: * Characteristics of workforce have changed * The organizational structure of this company embraces military-like order. Modification of this approach is needed to empower team structure and welcome more civilian business approaches as â€Å"staff and middle management are better networked, more mobile, and smarter about their value and their options in the market.† (PWC) * Labor supply has changed * Much of the upper management and specialized employees are retired military, bringing them closer to a second retirement. While current conditions have delayed this trend it still exists. Competing companies aggressively recruit educated and experienced managers and industry specialists so we must create conditions that will foster satisfaction and loyalty. * Government contract allocation procedures have changed * More attention and emphasis must be put on other areas of the company’s businesses for wealth building. Government contracting has adjusted rates and opened the door for smaller companies to compete for Defense and Aerospace teaming contracts. * Economic downturns have caused readjustments in businesses and education * The Business Services company needs to update and integrate new business-to-business consulting approaches, enhancing and adding to our strict Six Sigma training. * The Advanced Visualization Solutions division needs to develop their products to serve beyond educational facilities, as most facilities are not currently able to invest in state-of-the-art technology. These products need to be streamlined to bring the cost of production and cost to customers down. * The Construction Company needs to focus on developing more domestic business. The international projects need to be managed by on-site managers via patriots or expatriate assignments. This will reduce expensive unplanned international travel as well as build goodwill with the natives of the country the project is based in. * The Marketing/Communications division has become obsolete, using old approaches of only upgrading the company website and only attending industry exhibitions and conferences. Marketing has become isolated from the energy that exists in the whole of the company, not working cooperatively or creatively with each subsidiary company. This is possibly due to absence of the sense of meaningfulness in the managers, thus lack of motivation. * The Core Divisions need more cohesion in their performance. Due to the overlap of duties between HR, Contracting and Accounting, there must be less antagonism and more cooperation between the managers. The executives rely on authoritarian leadership and â€Å"job-scare† tactics to motivate operations of these departments, thus the managers isolate themselves into their own responsibilities by not sharing information or working as cohesive teams to resolve challenges. Obviously, most of these problems have their origin in the culture that has been created in the company. While there are a few who remain loyal to the mission statement of the company and endeavor to sustain a family-like atmosphere, most managers and employees have become dissatisfied with not only the culture but with their own sense of meaning within the company. Thus, the owners and executives must be the first to revisit the mission statement and goals first set forth by the owners, create a more cohesive and safe culture and implement their own change of perspective. â€Å"Far too often, leaders ask everyone else to change, but in reality this usually isn’t possible until they first change themselves†. (De Smet, et al) One of the strengths to having retired military personnel in leadership and production is their ability to follow orders and to learn quickly. Most of their experience in military life was often being given an order (goal) and some of the necessary resources (most of the time), but little knowledge on how to execute it. Much of our nation’s greatest technology has come from such situations. For example, John Shergill itemized 10 American technological advances accomplished during wartime. One of the most outstanding was the development of a virtual environment, or the internet. â€Å"Conceived and designed in the late 1970’s during the height of the cold war as a defense against nuclear war. The thought was that if vital government information could be stored in a virtual environment, it would be impossible to take out communications at one location. The effect of this advancement is obvious to anyone reading this†. (Shergill) Necessity being the mother of invention was also observable when a young officer was given command over the technology department where he was deployed. Not only was the technology obsolete, but he had no idea how a computer worked. His order was to update and repair the system. Period. He quickly learned and implemented all he could and was successful in not only updating but enhancing new technology for that particular base. Today, as a retired Navy colonel, he is a professor of Networking, computer software and hardware at an outstanding US college. So the ingenuity and problem solving skills that exists within the retired military community is priceless, but their instinctive command-and-control leadership styles have become outdated and ineffective in a civilian business world, especially with civilian employees. Six Sigma approaches have been attractive to the Business Solutions department because it continues to embrace the command-and-control management skills; focusing on optimal production and very little on optimizing producers. Therefore I propose comprehensive and all-inclusive leadership-development training. I understand this may be especially opposed by our Business Services division, as these instructors consider themselves experts in the field of leadership. But it is vital that leaders stay ahead of trends in leadership especially if they train other leaders. Their expertise in traditional instruction of management mixed with the evolving principles will not only enhance, but possibly lead to more forward thinking and new approaches as they implement them. Again, it would be quite in character for the retired military leaders to take what they learn in this area and create even more valuable tactics and approaches that will enrich business leaders the world over. Thus creating a new benchmark for our company and creating a new competitive edge. In the April 2012 online edition of McKinsey Quarterly, three experts in the field of leadership training wrote of their findings in making leadership training the heart of large organizational change. The authors described the situation of one global company as â€Å"While the need for operational change was clear—the performance of the company†¦was inconsistent and in many cases far below that of competitors in terms of efficiency, productivity, and cost—so too were the organizational obstacles. Drives for improvement, for example, carried a stigma of incompetence; current performance was considered â€Å"good enough†; conflict tended to be passive-aggressive or was avoided entirely; and†¦employees felt that they were treated as cogs and that their supervisors were enforcers. The effect of all this on employees was disengagement, a lack of trust in senior management, and a pervasive fear of making mistakes—a worry reinforced by the company’s strong culture of safety and of risk aversion†¦ (So) the senior team had to look beyond technical improvements and focus on helping the company’s leaders to master the personal behavioral changes needed to support the operational ones. To that end, the company mounted an intense, immersive, and individualized leadership program† (De Smet, et al). The authors note that the program took four months for each participant, and included two week-long training programs and ongoing coaching to integrate what they learn with their work experiences. In the span of three years the return on investment in the participants has been tenfold for each leader. The program has increased the company’s income by almost $2 million, and the new leadership behavior has been crucial to the company’s success and is believed to have made the total organizational changes that were made more effective. So the development program I suggest needs to include: * Integrating leadership training with a BHG (big hairy goal). Without personalizing training it will be ineffective. Without an obtainable and desirable goal training will be a waste of time and effort. * Recognize the strengths and successes our company has and build on them. Bring in our strongest and most dedicated leaders (not necessarily formal managers) and train them in how to skillfully influence change by engaging everyone involved in the organization. These leaders may need to be considered as new or replacing current ineffective management or at the very least as team/discussion leaders. They are the bridge between corporate office and employee satisfaction. Use our Company Philosophy, found in our Employee Handbook, to employ our Core Competencies to realize our Vision Statement. * Any change in our organization must be based on honesty. Every employee of our company possesses, or at one time possessed, an expectation of good from us. Being a part of this organization was highly esteemed in the community and upon hiring, the employees felt important and distinct in their field because of our decision to employ. After being employed for about 3 years, the most common feature of the dissatisfaction that begins to set in is the irregular dispersion of information and a feeling that Corporate is not being honest or forthright with them. While this may be a military â€Å"need-to-know† approach to employee management, it is no longer efficient, as our employees are no longer military and they expect inclusion. The â€Å"leaks† and rumors that circulate on all of our job-sites and offices are much more damaging than the truth given from a trusted leader could ever be. * Common language and vocabulary used by leaders must be adopted. The language of a common vision is powerful, so leaders must be allowed to emerge and reassigned to influence the entire company. Success is contagious so the empowered managers will be able to empower employees. * Evaluate managers’ skills and interests and place them in the appropriate department. Technology can be learned, but it won’t be learned by a dissatisfied manager. * Modify benefits. Currently all employees derive their motivation from our bonus plan. Employees have been willing to accept the absence of sick leave, the infrequency of pay raises, and the absence of certain benefits in favor of expecting the year-end bonus. The Employee Handbook indicates that bonuses are â€Å"discretionary profit-sharing and performance-based rewards provided to employees base on a review of the factors previously mentioned in addition to management’s recommendations† (Our Company Handbook, pg. 11). It should be noted that every employee has different needs and motivations for working with us. We should modify our benefit offering by allowing them to make the decision of whether they would rather have a raise, receive a bonus or an enhancement to their provided benefits. * Subsidiary companies’ Business Development departments and company-wide Marketing/Communications must begin to work more cooperatively, beginning with information sharing and frequent interaction. Up to this point, these two departments have functioned exclusively of the other, relying only on each other for necessary information or for marketing tools for conventions/meetings. While BD has relied heavily on personal contacts networks, it must begin to utilize the principals and power of marketing. Marketing/Communications must begin to pursue the good of each BD department to enhance their efforts. The commitment to the structural changes, development of leaders and employee happiness must begin with the owners. It must also be an ongoing commitment, as sporadic attempts will only reinforce skepticism and heighten dissatisfaction. Leadership training must become a systemic process, not an event (Day, pg 8).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Is there such a thing as a post-modern novel Essay Example

Is there such a thing as a post Is there such a thing as a post-modern novel Essay Is there such a thing as a post-modern novel Essay Is there such a thing as a post-modern novel? Post-modernism extends modernist uncertainness, frequently by presuming that world, if it exists at all, is unknowable or unaccessible through a linguistic communication grown detached from it’ ( Stevenson: 28 ) . The usage of the post-modern has become a mostly relevant term in critical and literary theory in recent yeas. Where some critics argue that post-modernism is merely an development of modernism, others, such as Fredric Jameson, (Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism:1991 ) argue that different attacks to post-modernism exist. Jameson argues that postmodernism is defined chiefly as a deficiency of a cardinal component ( be it construction, narrative, story-line ) and considers that historical, political and economic values, in line with capitalist economy, have altered political orientations and hence decentred traditional literary values. Shirvani ( 1994 ) concurs, Post-modernism emerged as a gesture of rebellion against the canonisation of modernism and the attendant evisceration of its oppositional potential’ ( 291 ) . The post-modern non merely causes critics to neglect in finding a orderly description of the term, but neither can they hold on an exact passage from modernism to pos-modernism. Common divides exist with some proposing the deceases of Joyce and Woolf, whereas others prefer the terminal of the Second World War or the terminal of Colonialism. The many literary tools that sub-divide the term such as mythology, feminism, detective fiction or postcolonial narrative are possibly the lone manner of sorting its significance. Literary surveies and readership have later called into inquiry literary value, which seems to hold less importance within the practical technological universe. However, it is precisely the inquiry of the practical and the existent that has lead a figure of writers to get down to organize a literary canon that inquiries these mutual oppositions by ego reviewing non merely the author but besides the reader. Where as Jameson eschews intensions to art, Hutcheson (A Poetics of Postmodernism, 1988 ) argues that aesthetics play an of import portion in post-modernism. A return to aesthetics every bit good as self-reflexive qualities and the usage of the existent in events and people from history ( 3 ) make a flexible discourse which both constructions and de-structures literary texts. This inward looking and self-consciousness, two subjects that are peculiar to what hold been defined as post-modern novels dominate the chief constructions of several novels that will be discussed in this essay. Italo Calvino’sSe una notte d’invierno United Nations viaggiatorepublished asIf on a winter’s dark a travelerin 1979,Lunar Park( 2005 ) by Bret Easton Ellis andNumber9dreamby David Mitchell, published in 2001, exemplify the bound and illimitable constructions of the post-modern text. Bret Easton Ellis’sLunar Park, the first of his novels to be written in the past tense, is clearly a semi-autobiographical narrative. This fresh encapsulates precisely the ambiguity that haunts many novels that are termed post-modern. The chief character in the text is Bret Easton Ellis himself who begins the book novelizing his earlier life and his rise to fame as an writer. This principle portion of the novel seems to be a life which, to the reader, seems consecutive frontward and probably. However, it is during the descent into a whirlpool of drug and intoxicant dependence that the line between world and phantasy Begins to film over. He marries an actress ( who, it seems, has her ain website [ 1 ] but there is no record of her elsewhere ) and later moves to a dislocated town called Midland, near New York. It is in evidently deemed Midland that the oblivion between world and fantasy Begin to collide. As Ellis become progressively preoccupied with affairs of decease ( particu larly those of his male parent ) which parallels the progressively haunted ambiance of his house, Ellis’s paranoia seems to take clasp, changing the reader’s constructs of what is existent within the novel. This 3rd infinite that is created at this point in the novel is arguably fabricated but the trust that Ellis creates at the beginning of the novel forces the reader to oppugn their ain reading of the text: is Ellis delusional and paranoid, are the characters around him merely excessively doubting to accept his world or is Ellis playing a devilish game with the reader? Number9dreamby David Mitchell besides uses a practical world in which to establish his book. Again, the boundary line that should divide the practical world from world is questioned. The supporter, Eji Miyake undertakes two journeys within the novel ; that of his hunt for individuality and the one which parallels the more fabricated attack to his life. Although the skeletal component of the book is Eji’s narrative, Mitchell further reveals the supporter through dreams, games, books, and so on. This intertextual component of the book forces the reader to oppugn their function within the novel. Mitchell, through utilizing changing narrative techniques ( Eji’s experiences in each chapter reflect the manner of narrative ) reveals the many faces of the supporter. Indeed this text maps as a diary, as a dream, as a hunt for individuality and a speculation of life. The ambiguity that is created through these maps neer reveals to the reader the true ground for Eji’s need to brood in practical world instead than confront his ain world. The lone intimation is possibly Eji’s inability to come to footings with the decease of his sister Anju, nevertheless, even this is merely dealt with through an imagined world which so causes the reader to oppugn how much is reliable. Mitchell smartly proposes differing worlds. First, there is the world we can touch and experience and utilize as mundane life. There is the alternate world of dreamscapes which are realistic ( we can non make an image which is non a contemplation of our experiences ) ; the computing machine games and books are a different world, that are perchance person else’s world but besides allow the participant to go another ego. Furthermore, Mitchell, by using the mediums of literature, civilization, media and history, uses this text to discourse the grieving processes that we endure and intimations that practical world plays a big portion in larning to get by with calamity. Eji becomes reliant on phantasy and dreaming: he transforms from the hunt for himself ( That was who I truly was, a dream of the Real Miyake’ : 408 ) to a hunt for a practical ego ( I would give anything to be woolgathering right now’ : 418 ) . This is besides true sing his parents where he realises th at his hunt for his male parent ( and his thoughts of what he would be like ) was really more inspiring and of import than world when he eventually meets him. Calvino’s book,If on a winter’s dark a travellerreminds the reader in the first case that they are reading a book by opening it therefore: You are about to get down reading Italo Calvino’s new novel,If on a winter’s dark a traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other idea. Let the universe around you fade’ ( 1 ) . Calvino so continues to rede how the reader should sit or place themself in order to acquire the most from reading the novel. However, it is the sentence, Let the universe around you fade’ that is arguably one of the most of import sentences in the novel. The reader is intentionally asked to allow the universe disappear and to go entrenched in the novel. However, this petition itself makes the reader cognizant that they are reading a book. Furthermore, it calls into inquiry the infinite between phantasy and world that is besides exhibited in Calvino’s novel. The reader can neer allow the universe slice ; they need their ain experiences of the universe in order to place with the book and its characters. It is besides their experience of the universe that will name into inquiry the world or the unreality of the narrative. Furthermore, the untypical construction of the text intentionally reminds the reader of who they are and their portion in the novel: the reader. This re minder continues unabated throughout the novel. In this manner the writer forces the reader to play their function but he is besides cognizant of his ain duty. Calvino inquiries what a author is with a expressionless pragmatism: authorship is a occupation to do money, non to pleasure an audience. Indeed the Good for you’ ( 4 ) that he tells the audience with blithe indifference of the quality of the novel comes near to banishing the audience. [ 2 ] He so continues, within this piece of fiction, to face the mass of unneeded books that are available to purchase that distract fromexistentbooks. [ 3 ] Calvino’s thoughts on the value that is placed on literature ( peculiarly since unfavorable judgment has favoured aggregate civilization in recent old ages ) clearly underpinned the consciousness of non merely composing but reading as Re ( 1998 ) concurs: Writing literature may be difficult work, but reading it may be merely as demanding. The inquiry of who reads what, the political relations of readership, cultural inequal ity and the resistance between high and low civilization, are cardinal to the current argument in cultural surveies and the crises in literary studies†¦ [ Calvino ] believed that to happen readers one must make them by contriving an ideal reader†¦ The reader-whoever he or she may be and wherever he or she may come from-must be seduced by the text into going want the texts wants them to be’ ( 127 ) . It was the inquiry of who the author is that caused Calvino to oppugn the value of literature in the post-modern universe. Furthermore, Calvino’s text, although really structured avoids traditional structuring. All the uneven numbered transitions are narrated in the 2nd individual. The reader is forced to oppugn whether theyouis the chief male supporter, the female supporter or the storyteller himself. Furthermore, after the first chapter of the book ( which is really the 2nd ) the reader ( the supporter ) is so fooled into believing that the perennial chapters ar e a production mistake instead than a arch game that Calvino plays with the reader’s uneasiness. He so returns the book to happen that the replacing is a wholly different novel, which, some manner in, is lost to blank pages. Meanwhile, unaware, the reader is witnessing the Ark secret plan in which the supporters realise that they are portion of a publication confederacy. The reader so realises they excessively are portion of a signifier of literary confederacy: the rubrics of books that are dismissed by Calvino as valueless are really the rubrics of the books the supporter is seeking to read which consequence in a coherent rubric, despite the incoherency in the whole of the novel: a deficiency of construction which is really a really stable construction. Marie-Laure Ryan in her critical analysis onNarrative as Virtual World( 2005 ) , citing Campbell’sThe Hero with A Thousand Faces( 1993 ) [ 4 ] , in her chapter entitledThe Two As ; Thousand faces of the practical, clearly delineates [ 5 ] what is practical world and what is world, even if when using this to texts, the poles are non clearly demarcated: As we see from lexical definitions, the significance of practical stretches along an axis delimited by two poles. At one terminal if the optical sense, which carries the negative intensions of dual and semblance ( the two thoughts combined in the subject of the unreliable image ) ; at the other terminal if the scholastic sense, which suggests productiveness, openness and diverseness. Somewhere in the center are the late-twentieth-century associations of the practical with computing machine engineerings ( 27 ) . The usage of the practical, through computing machine games, books, the cyberspace, and picture taking now call into inquiry the typical modernist hunts for individuality. This hunt still continues, but is more than of all time a lone experience where the call to come in the escapade ( and so enlightenment ) can now be set by a practical world instead than a courier as in Campbell’s illustration. This practical world further dramas with Jung’s theories of the unconscious or Barthes’ thoughts of the myth [ 6 ] . However, the writers that have been discussed here, along with others ( Isaac Asimov, Juan Luis Borges, Daniel F. Galouye, Stanislaw Lem, Julio Cortazar ) use the practical in order to research the unconscious. Once the power to automatically capture and double the universe was the exclusive privilege of the mirror ; now this power has been emulated by technological media – and the universe is being filled by representations that portion virtuality of the mirrorlike image’ ( Ryan:28 ) Indeed the job of specifying the post-modern is possibly post-modern in itself. The post-modern’s eschewing of classs and looking deficiency of traditional literary constructions means that the post-modern can neer be to the full understood. Paul de Man ( 1990 ) reminds us of Barthes’ ailment that Literature overmeans, as we say of bombs that they overkill’ ( 184 ) and that possibly these books no longer typify literary escape for the reader but a witting exercising for the author who instead than sets about the undertaking of composing as a watercourse of narrative, carefully and cunningly constructions every word, even though a premier feature of a post-modern novel is frequently its looking deficiency of construction and way. The terminal of Eurocentrism means besides that all the parametric quantities, the classs, the resistances which were used to specify, sort and explicate undertakings in the universe are being challenged. These include non merely the rational classs linked to peculiar historical minutes, but even those that had appeared cosmopolitan, such as male and female, myth and ground, nature and civilization, and even apparently more simple polarities-affirmation and negation, above and below, capable and object’ ( Re: 132 ) . The job, hence, of specifying the being of a post-modern novel arguable strictly because it is eschews classification. However, this turning away itself is certainly something that can be categorised? Of all the footings Post-modern must be the most over- and under-defined. It is normally accompanied by a expansive flourish of negativized rhetoric: we hear of discontinuity, break, disruption, decentring, indefiniteness and antitotalization. What all of these words literally do is integrate that which they aim to contend – as does, I suppose, the term post-modern itself’ ( Hutcehson: 3 ) . Bibliography. Baudrillard, Jean ( 1987 ) . The Ecstasy of Communication ( Foreign Agents ) . New York, Semiotics. Botta, Anna ( 1997 ) .Calvino and the Oulipo: An Italian Ghost in the Combinatory Machine?MLN, Vol. 112 ( 1 ) , pp. 81-89. Burke, Sean ( 1998 ) .The decease and the return of the writer: Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida.Edinburgh University Press. Butler, Christopher ( 2002 ) .Postmodernism: A really short debut. Oxford University Press. Calvino, Italo ( 1993 ) .If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler. London, Everyman’s Library. De Man, Paul ( 1990 ) .Roland Barthes and the Limits of Structuralism.Yale Gallic Surveies, No. 77, pp. 177-190. Hutcheson, Linda ( 1988 ) .A Poetics of Postmodernism.London, Routledge. Easton Ellis, Bret ( 2005 ) .Lunar Park. London, Picador. Jameson, Fredric ( 1992 ) .Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalist economy. London, Verso Books. Mitchell, David ( 2001 ) .Number9dream. London, Sceptre. Re, Lucia, ( 1998 ) .Calvino and the Value of Literature.MLN, vol. 113 ( 1 ) , pp. 121-137. Riccardi, Alessia ( 1999 ) .Lightness and Gravity: Calvino, Pynchon, and Postmodernity.MLN, Vol. 114 ( 5 ) , pp.1062-1077. Rice, Philip and Waugh, Patricia, ( 1996 ) . Modern Literary Theory. New York, Oxford University Press. Shirvani, Hamid ( 1994 ) .Postmodernism: Decentering, Simulacrum, and Parody.American Quarterly, Vol. 46 ( 2 ) , pp.290-296. Stevenson, Randall ( 2006 ) .Modernist Fiction: An Introduction.University Press of Kentucky.

Monday, October 21, 2019

New York Metropolitan Area Facts

New York Metropolitan Area Facts The New York-Newark-Bridgeport, NY-NJ-CT-PA Combined Statistical Area is the new official federal government name and definition for the greater New York City metropolitan area. It huge and encompasses thirty counties in the greater New York City region consists of the following Metropolitan and Micropolitan areas: Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT Metropolitan Statistical AreaKingston, NY Metropolitan Statistical AreaNew Haven-Milford, CT Metropolitan Statistical AreaNew York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA Metropolitan Statistical AreaPoughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, NY Metropolitan Statistical AreaTorrington, CT Micropolitan Statistical AreaTrenton-Ewing, NJ Metropolitan Statistical Area New York City Region Descriptions Below, you will find descriptions of each of the seven above areas and how they are defined. The Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT Metropolitan Statistical Area consists of Fairfield County (including the principal cities of Bridgeport, Stamford, Norwalk, Danbury, and Stratford) The Kingston, NY Metropolitan Statistical Area consists of Ulster County. The New Haven-Milford, CT Metropolitan Statistical Area consists of New Haven County. The New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area consists of the principal cities of New York, NY; Newark, NJ; Edison, NJ; White Plains, NY; Union, NJ; and Wayne, NJ. Officially, the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area is subdivided into the: Edison, NJ Metropolitan Division (Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Ocean County, and Somerset County)Nassau-Suffolk, NY Metropolitan Division (Nassau County and Suffolk County)Newark-Union, NJ-PA Metropolitan Division (Essex County, NJ; Hunterdon County, NJ; Morris County, NJ; Sussex County, NJ; Union County, NJ; and Pike County, PA)New York-White Plains-Wayne, NY-NJ Metropolitan Division (Bergen County, NJ; Hudson County, NJ; Passaic County, NJ; Bronx County, NY; Kings County, NY; New York County, NY; Putnam County, NY; Queens County, NY; Richmond County, NY; Rockland County, NY; and Westchester County, NY) The Torrington, CT Micropolitan Statistical Area consists of Litchfield County. The Trenton-Ewing, NJ Metropolitan Statistical Area consists of Mercer County.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Calcutta, India essays

Calcutta, India essays As the traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate lovingly, our own. (Margaret Mead) The ability to learn about other cultures by actually experiencing them through travel is undoubtedly a great gift. By actually perceiving first hand the aspects of a completely different society from yours will teach you more than any book could ever do, and it is for this reason that I genuinely believe that this City of Joy trip will be one of the most beneficial experiences you will have. Nevertheless, background knowledge of the place you are visiting would be advantageous in your journey to the fascinating Calcutta. Calcutta can be known as the city of contradictions and this theme could actually be expanded to encompass all of India (Tharoor). The reason for this is although India is a land of much cultural richness and diversity and it is a home for many industries, it also has qualities that can be seen in an opposite light such as poverty, overpopulation, corruption, and intolerance to name a few. There are many aspects of India and Calcutta that you will encounter including social/cultural, economic, political, and geographic components, and a knowledge of these various aspects beforehand will prepare you for what you are about to see. Calcutta, whose name has actually been changed recently to Kolkata because the name Calcutta is anglicized, is the capital of West Bengal. The city boasts being the nation's largest metropolitan in area. Calcutta is located on the eastern bank of the Hooghly River, an arm of the Ganges, about 96 miles upstream from its mouth at the head of the Bay of Bengal. This river port is the most important urban center of Eastern India. Although Calcutta is favorably located for trade, its low, swampy, hot, and humid rive...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Health and Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health and Safety - Assignment Example First, the employees stop feeling proud to be associated with the company. Secondly, the careless accidents can instill fear on the employees on learning how they are working in poor conditions. Additionally, high cost-cutting and reduced infrastructure budget exposes the employees to more workplace hazards. Finally, these practices make the employees to lack role models. First, they can lead to fatal accidents that cause massive ecological damages, like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, which can lead employees to lack confidence in the company (Balaguer, 2010). Secondly, they can lead the employees to take court action against the company. Thirdly, the employees may plan mass protest or strike which can paralyze the operations of the company. In addition, they can lead accidents, which cause death and injury to employees straining the relationship between the two parties. Lastly, they can lead the employees to question the company commitment to their safety and wellbeing. First, the BP operations license may suspend. Secondly, the company license may be revoked due to failure to meet the standards set. Thirdly, the authorities can close part of BP facilities they deem hazardous, like it happened in 2006 on some part of Prudhoe Bay oilfield in Alaska (Coy and Reed, 2010, p.53). Additionally, huge fines can be imposed on the company. Finally, the authorities make sure that the company cleans up the mess from accidents, pays damages, and contributes towards restoration of the ecology. First, they cost the company’s reputation a major blow once revealed. Secondly, the customers loose confidence in the company’s products turning to competitors. Thirdly, the public and customers may sue the company due to environmental damages. Further, the public and customers may shun the company’s social responsibility efforts. Lastly, due to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Should marijuana be legalized or kept illegal Assignment

Should marijuana be legalized or kept illegal - Assignment Example (Mark J. Pletcher, 2012). Investigators at The Zucker Hillside Hospital in Long Island, NY compared the performance of 50 bipolar subjects with a history of cannabis use versus 150 bipolar patients with no history of use. According to clinical data published online, the bipolar patients with a history of cannabis use demonstrate superior neurocogitive performance compared to patients with no history of use. (Raphael J. Braga, 2012). Use of marijuana for medicinal purposes remains controversial, and we do not advocate its widespread use. However, that in certain circumstances, specifically when patients are using marijuana to relieve nausea, marijuana is not associated with lower rates of adherence (de Jong, 2005). Cannabis users had better cognitive functioning than patients without cannabis use in several domains including design memory, verbal fluency, object assembly, block design, picture completion, picture arrangement, and face recognition memory (John Stirling, 2004) The majority of patients with multiple sclerosis develop troublesome lower urinary tract symptoms. The conclusions after researches: there were few troublesome side effects, suggesting that cannabis-based medicinal extracts are a safe and effective treatment for urinary and other problems in patients with advanced (Ciaran M. Brady, 2004). Pain, sleep and mood were most frequently reported as improving with cannabis use, and high and dry mouth were the most commonly reported side effects. We conclude that cannabis use is prevalent among the chronic non-cancer pain population, for a wide range of symptoms, with considerable variability in the amounts used (Mark A. Ware, 2003). Marijuana significantly reduced ratings of queasiness and slightly reduced the incidence of vomiting compared to placebo. These findings support and extend previous results, indicating that smoked marijuana reduces feelings of nausea and also reduces

Women history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women history - Essay Example On the other hand, Ruth Milkman focuses on the issue of gender at work. In this case, the author focuses on the aspect of sexual division during labor. In doing this, Ruth Milkman focuses on the World War II. Milkman indicates that refashioning gender roles remained enormous during World War II. There were expectations in terms of gender roles during this period. Additionally, men and women both played different roles. The fact that both authors focus on women, it means that women remain important in the society. By focusing on women, both authors reflect on the post war period. In fact, the sentiments shared are happenings from the World War II. In writing the quotes, both authors take a critical approach on how certain aspects were conducted during the postwar period. Ruth Milkman and Rickie Solinger conduct an extensive research regarding issues facing women in the past. Additionally, both authors support their thoughts using several quotes. Despite the differences in ideas, both quotes reveal the position of women in the past societies. This means that both authors share similar sentiments regarding women. From Ruth Milkman and Rickie Solinger readings, it is evident that both quotes meet on similar ground. That is, women and aspects surrounding them. In the first quote, Rickie Solinger indicates that women are simply uterus in as much as various organisms support them. Here, the author remains clear regarding women and their personality. In the second quote, Ruth Milkman indicates that women can fill positions meant for men satisfactorily but subject to physical requirements and strengths. Almost similar to Solinger sentiments, Milkman is clear on issues surrounding women. Both authors are clear about roles of women in previous societies. In as much as both authors focus on issues that happened during postwar period, most issues indicated in the readings still happen in modern societies. In fact, the politics surrounding abortion remain

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Development Strategy of Dupont International Management Essay

Development Strategy of Dupont International Management - Essay Example Its various trademarks are found in many consumers as well as industrial products so that DuPont per se has become or has been related to household products: carpets, upholstery, containers, construction and other items used in the daily basis. Already, words like durability and quality are attached to the brand name or trademark. But it does not only take quality products to make a name such as DuPont. As acknowledged in their website, DuPont has employed innovation in most aspects of its global operations emphasizing several areas such as: competing globally; sharpening its business focus; increasing productivity; committing to safety, health, and environmental excellence; empowering people, capitalizing on its strong corporate and product brand franchises; and continuing to extend its significant science and technological achievement. Already, focus on core competencies was acknowledged where DuPont build competitive business advantage such as a 1993 transaction that disposed of D uPont’s acrylic business while acquiring ICI’s nylon business. Cost-reduction and improving productivity were also cited as DuPont’s strategic moves in the 1990s when most companies either are emerging or closing down, allowing flexibility for competitive pricing and growing market share and earning. The 90s also saw vigorous expansion overseas with new plants in Spain, Singapore, Taiwan and China coupled with a major technical server in Japan, a move that even critics could easily detect not only as competitive but innovative.

Professional Integration Within Health Care Pharmacies Essay

Professional Integration Within Health Care Pharmacies - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to do this, in regards to one health care organization in particular - The HMO Research Network. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Integrated care systems have unique advantages for conducting research, this system in particular is a perfect example of this representation. The HMO Research Network (HMORN) includes research centers associated with 13 large integrated care systems whose research focuses primarily on improving health and health care delivery using the extraordinary platform which is provided by these health systems. "HMORN research centers have access to large, defined populations, comprehensive medical information, extensive computerized data systems and to medical care delivery systems that offer extraordinary research opportunities." (Vogt, Lafata, Tolsma, & Greene, 2004). Integrated care health maintenance organizations (HMOs) provide the absolute optimal mix of population base, electronic medical and financial databases, and longitudinal observation for much heath research.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Development Strategy of Dupont International Management Essay

Development Strategy of Dupont International Management - Essay Example Its various trademarks are found in many consumers as well as industrial products so that DuPont per se has become or has been related to household products: carpets, upholstery, containers, construction and other items used in the daily basis. Already, words like durability and quality are attached to the brand name or trademark. But it does not only take quality products to make a name such as DuPont. As acknowledged in their website, DuPont has employed innovation in most aspects of its global operations emphasizing several areas such as: competing globally; sharpening its business focus; increasing productivity; committing to safety, health, and environmental excellence; empowering people, capitalizing on its strong corporate and product brand franchises; and continuing to extend its significant science and technological achievement. Already, focus on core competencies was acknowledged where DuPont build competitive business advantage such as a 1993 transaction that disposed of D uPont’s acrylic business while acquiring ICI’s nylon business. Cost-reduction and improving productivity were also cited as DuPont’s strategic moves in the 1990s when most companies either are emerging or closing down, allowing flexibility for competitive pricing and growing market share and earning. The 90s also saw vigorous expansion overseas with new plants in Spain, Singapore, Taiwan and China coupled with a major technical server in Japan, a move that even critics could easily detect not only as competitive but innovative.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mental Health Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mental Health Policy - Term Paper Example The Medicaid and Medicare a times under pays in that money given to the hospital is less than the one stated. This leads to bad debts. To solve this problem the hospital will invest on alternative policies (Fawcett & Karban, 2005). The hospital has set up a policy in which the hospital will offer a membership plan at which one will have to posses a membership card. In it annual contributions will be required and members will have to renew the membership cards. This will cut on the dependency of the patients’ on the Medicare and Medicaid. This will have mutual benefits, in that it will reduce the problem of hospital incurring bad debts due to under payments by the Medicare and Medicaid. On the other hand the patients will be able to pay less also pay nothing in the case of minor illnesses. The other problem faced by the hospital includes the ability to diversify patients mix. The solution lies on, first creating sections in the hospital to deal with different complications. This will take place without creating an impression that there is discrimination. There will be a well-trained costumer care to enable the hospital have a friendly look hence increasing the client base due to recommendations by those who visit it. Since the hospital main client bases are the elderly, the hospital will invest in a pediatric section to deal with complication relating to children. To reach out to the community mobile stations will be set a side and mobile doctors assigned to enable services provided are of high quality. This will market the hospital to the entire region hence many will seek help to our hospital (Fawcett & Karban, 2005). To ensure inclusiveness of the entire community, hospital signs and labels will be in a language that involves the entire community. The staff will be taught different languages to enable ease in understanding the patients’ complaints. The hospital will be able to provide and feel at ease in

Pre and Post M&a Performance in Accounting Ratio Essay Example for Free

Pre and Post Ma Performance in Accounting Ratio Essay There are loads of tools to measure the performance of a financial performance of an entity but financial ratios is probably the best known tool which is mainly to analyze the performance of an entity by comparing the present to the past relative figures taken or composed from the financial statement . The few categories of ratios are liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, efficiency ratios, debt ratios and market ratios which will be able to describe the entity’s characteristics. Ratios show the true performance and position of the entity. In order for investors to determine their choices of entity to invest in, financial ratios play an important role in providing sufficient information to users about the entity’s characteristic. We predict that companies are performing better after merger and acquisition and there will be an increase in profit of companies pre merger and acquisition compare to post merger and acquisition activities. However, the global merger and acquisition (MA) market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. Studies relatively prove that ratios are important but which ratios, among the loads of ratios which can be computed easily from the available financial statement, should be used to analyze to obtain a wise decision (Kung Thomas, 1981); (Maretno Howard, 1996). Problem statement Accounting ratios usage in merger acquisition are not understood very well as to whether companies or investors are using accounting ratios to analyze performance pre and post decision making for MA. Therefore, this study will try to find out as to whether merger and acquisition activities are caused by the use of accounting ratio when management tries to expand a company’s operation. Accounting ratios is wide in variety and is known for its diversities in calculating different ratios, which makes selecting the right ratio to do analysis on is difficult. Every company when making merger and acquisition decisions will have to go through different decision making process in their organization and not based solely on accounting ratios when taking actions. Things such as relationship of merging companies, financing matter or management efficiency are often overlooked in previous studies, therefore, apart from addressing the use of accounting ratio in making merger and acquisition , we will also address on other matters that are affecting merger and acquisition decision making. Companies that have made merger and acquisition in the few years will be analyzed whether merger and acquisition has benefitted the company. This analysis will have to be based on companies that have made merger and acquisition for few years so that analysis could be made to ascertain whether merger and acquisition has improved the company’s performance. The data that is collected could be redundant as the data collected could only be analyzed from the past. Apart from that, companies that are engaged in merger and acquisition will tend to keep their methods in acquiring companies as a secret; therefore, there is no information that will be disclosed to us when we are doing research. We will only be able to get information based on announcement on the Bursa Saham Malaysia and also annual report analysis on the companies that we will base our study on. Based solely on the annual report, we will have to analyze companies that have been engaged in merger and acquisition is perfor ming better as a company before merger and acquisition or after merger and acquisition. Studies that have addressed the problem Several past studies have shown several findings. There were significant improvements in the liquidity, leverage and profitability position of most studied companies. Normally, total assets consist of equity, debt and retained earnings to finance the corporation. In the study, it was found that total assets were always less than the debt plus equity for pre acquisition period, but after acquisition, it is positive. All the units selected for the study were sick, but after takeover five out of eight revived (Rao Sanker, 1997). The acquiring firms had performed above the industry average and the acquired firms were below the industry average in term of size and profitability (Cosh et al., 1998). The firms recorded meaningful increase in their net earnings, and those with the successful merger of the firms, the return on capital employed and return on total assets, increased substantially with a significant percentage. The variability in the earnings (risk) of the pre-merger firms was significantly higher than that of post-merger firms (Agundu Karibo, 1999). Pilloff (1996) finds no significant change in post merger ROE, however, when he utilizes operating income before provision instead of net income to calculate ROE, there is a significant increase in post-merger returns. Deficiencies in studies Unfortunately, most studies do not distinguish between healthy and troubled companies due to the relative scarcity of outright failures as an indicator of the latter. Data are not readily available to every person and critical data is only available to top level management, which causes analysis on company performance not accurate. Accounting ratios usage in studies are not standardized for number of ratios used and types of ratios used, making comparisons of this study to previous studies almost impossible. Some of the studies only find out accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition, but they did not take into account the management performance improvement. Importance of the study Basically, the compelling reason for merger and acquisition is to make more money. This study analyses the pre and post performance in accounting ratio of various entities in Malaysia which involved in merger and acquisition. Therefore, it seeks to contribute to entities which look forward to expand their businesses by merging and acquiring entities in order to broaden their sources and to increase their performance as well as position of the entity. This study also justifies the importance of financial ratios as a tool in decision making for most users to merge and acquire entities. Besides that, this study further proves that financial ratios could be used to speculate and estimate the future of the entity’s development and growth by developing ratio values to be compared with the normal or regular value. Furthermore, the global merger and acquisition market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. According to KPMG International’s Global merger and acquisition Predictor, modest increases are expected in both deal-making appetite and capacity globally. Therefore, it is hoped that the result of this study is valuable to entities for the purpose of merging and acquiring. Purpose statement The purpose of this study is to determine whether financial ratios contribute to the decision in merging and acquiring another entity. For this purpose, we analyze the performance of the entity before and after merging or acquisition of the holding or parent entity across industries to identify the status of the performance and position of the entity currently. We would have to identify the entity’s characteristics in terms of their operating and accounting performance by comparing to their values before the merger and acquisition. In our analysis, we also focus on the use financial ratios as a mechanism to compare the pre and post-acquisition performance. Furthermore, we also use financial ratio to predict the performance of the acquired entity as well as the growth of the entity. Organization of the study The rest of the research is organized into chapters as follows. Chapter 2 review about the literature regarding the accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition would be provided. The topic and the arguments from researchers will be discussed. Justification of the research objectives would be provided with all the relevant literatures. Chapter 3 describes and provides detailed explanation on the method used in collecting the relevant data, the desired sample design, appropriate methodology employed in this study and also the data analysis method. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this chapter, further discussion on the topic will be done based on prior empirical studies and a derivation of hypothesis will be done. To be able to evaluate the post and pre merger and acquisition deal by companies in Malaysia, a concept is to be conceived with prior literature that is related to the performance of firms that has been acquiring other firms. 2.1 Theory/Concept Foundation Shareholders of a corporation that is involved in Merger Acquisition activity would like to see their value of stock in the acquiring corporation to rise post-MA compared to pre-MA. Therefore, it is important that an MA transaction done with the shareholders in mind, this theory of maximizing shareholder value is fairly new as it is introduced by William Lazonick and Mary O’Sullivan in year 2000. Shareholder value should be used regularly when decisions are made to be able to regulate how a company operates for the sake of the shareholders. For a shareholder to have his value increased, all the activities from the factory workers to top level management should work together to find the best way to increase the value of the company. To increase shareholder value, restructuring of companies are needed to be able to sustain the changing economic climate according to time development. Evaluation of companies performance will be done to ensure shareholders value do increase post-M A. From the theory we could derive that performance of a company depends on the value that they would like to preserve for their shareholders. For every shareholder that would like to expand the company operation and size, they will have to be able to provide funds for the company in the form of investment. Apart from that, trend evolution plays a part in a merging or acquisition decision. An acquirer may look at the performance of the company that they are trying to takeover. The acquirers look at the financial feasibility of acquiring the company on the share price and value for money. If a value is low, they will be able to takeover the company at a lower price. And it is known that MA deals are done so that a company could expand into a new market segment or improve their current segment. Apart from that, it should be noted that there are several types of mergers and acquisition. It should be noted that firms that are acquiring are larger if not significantly larger than the acquired firms. 2.2 Review of Prior Empirical Studies Life cycle of a firm will accelerate the need for MA deals as firms grew older, they could be expanding their size and because of this, and MA will be done to be able to involve themselves into different segments of businesses. According to (Sian Owen Alfred Yawson, 2008), they propose that in certain life cycle of a company, they will engage in some kind of MA activities. This is because there is a need to grow their company or to decrease the involvement of the owner by giving up the power of the company to another firm. Therefore, it should be noted that companies will go through MA at different life cycle to develop their performance even further or simply to pull out of the company ownership. The data that they use to examine this is based in the US, therefore, it may be not practical to be used here, but this is an opportunity for us to examine the life cycle factor in the pre and post MA performance figure. The main objective for merger and acquisition activities is to increase the return of the equity shareholders who are considered real owners of the company. Shareholders are also takes the responsibilities to bear maximum risk of the company. Different impact (positive, negative and mix) either success or failure will occur for different MA deals. Since we cannot make any conclusion based on only one ratio. So, different ratio are using in this article to measure the company performance in term of liquidity position, operating efficiency, overall efficiency, return to equity shareholders and financial composition. By looking at single ratio, it is hard for researcher to determine whether acquirer company success or failure to make MA deals? Because a high rate of return showed on acquiree company such as consulting firms doesn’t means they make a good investments, since they require no assets. There are more than half of the 74 merger and acquisition cases showed an improvement in the financial performance in post time period of this article. However, 15% out of these cases had increase their working capital and debt to equity, which means that the company suffer long term financial burden of current assets and long terms funds which use to finance current assets. Small sample size was used by this researcher. Although there are 200 deals of MA in India but only 74 companies can provide the available financial data which require by researcher. So, there was reliable issue of this research outcome. Except ratio, there are many issues must be takes into consideration by making MA decision such as by predicting future prospects, company past performance, law and regulations of the country which can help to reach a better conclusion. So researcher can’t make exact and absolute conclusion by only interpret financial ratio of company (Kumar and Bansal, 2008). Those are significant difference between merger and acquisition. Misleading conclusions may be made by those researchers who combined these two different terms. Acquisitions is a more successful way to bring positive effects to the company compared with mergers in term of generate greater profitability, return on investment or equity, increased in operating performance, etc. This might due to the way the merger or acquire. Acquirer may acquire a small division, patent or the company which use for the purpose of strategic alliances and value added to current business. In contrary, merges activities become less attractive to the potential shareholder due to reduce return or shareholder wealth or even negative return and decrease in profitability or even suffer losses of the company (Hassan, Patro, Tuckman Wang, 2007). The theoretical models of liquidity stresses the degree of trading stock, adverse selection, stock volatility, and competitiveness of market making (Lipson Mortal, 2007). According to the prior review, the degree of trading interest in a stock has a positive relationship with the level of trading activity. Therefore, the fixed trading costs can be spread out over a larger number of trades. The adverse selection cost incurs when negative action is taken to counter an adverse situation of trades. For example, if stock traders have relatively more information compare to the liquidity providers, liquidity providers will recover their losses from trading with better informed counterparts by increasing their average revenue. Stock volatility affects the trading cost positively as well. When stocks are more volatile, the holding cost of the stock would be relatively higher and the cost would be passed on to buyers when being traded. The competitiveness of market making affects the trading cost negatively. When the market makers are less competitive, the increase in competition will reduce the trading cost. Besides that, the firm’s characteristics also affect the accounting ratio after MA. Prior studies noted that MA increases the liquidity of firms on average but the improvements are fully explained by the accompanying changes in firm characteristics (Lipson Mortal, 2007). Firm characteristics such as sizes of the firm, volume and number of shareholders are taken into consideration in prior studies. Relatively larger firms will have greater trading interest since more positions are offered in the firm. Benston and Hangerman (1974) also acknowledge the effect of firm size and volume to MA. Therefore, the sizes of the firm are expected to affect the decision MA of a firm. The increase in adverse selection can be seen in Heflin and Shaw (2000) where they argue that the effect of a blockholder ownership is a result of superior blockholder information. The results are consistent with the results in Lipson and Mortal (2007). Past studies document that larger firms tend to be followed by a greater number of market makers (Wahal, 1997), which he attributes to increased compe tition among market makers. Also derived in Lipson and Mortal (2007), the increased in market making reduces order processing cost, hence reducing trading cost. According to (Arturo Bris, Neil Brisley, Christos Cabolis 2008), MA is done following the corporate governance decision as legal rules or accounting standard. The countries difference in degree of investor protection as well as firm value, ownership structure. When we are merger and acquisition usually adopts the accounting standards. This implies that, the corporate in a country can adopt difference level of investor protect. If corporate governance have set the legal rules then the corporate follow it. Therefore, the corporate investments losses or change operation performance. The legal rule can protect shareholder and investors so that they will not have legal liabilities. The corporate governance quality is follow shareholder protection and accounting standard when we are merger and acquisition can test corporate worsening and preserving acquisitions. If we are test pre merger and acquisition performance not efficiency then corporate governance quality also will not good. The corporation will easy give large corporate takeover or the corporation will bankrupt. However, the corporation operation quality good will not let large corporate takeover the firm. The corporate governance quality well can enhance merger and acquisition value and good performance. According to Holger Breinlich (2008), merger and acquisition become industrial restructuring after trade liberalization. It is can increase merger and acquisition activities and merger and acquisition transferred resource from less to more productive firms. It is because pre corporation not efficiency performance source make it loss. Therefore, after merger and acquisition the corporate efficiency performance source make it earning profit and improvement the corporate. Merger and acquisition not just to transfer source, it is also can qualitatively difference from other adjust form. Before merger and acquisition is not well make the workers becoming unemployed and also will make economic recession. When new ownership takeover the corporate then worker has working already and economic also will slowly become good. However, the larger corporate takeovers corporate better the corporate bankrupt and as such no need face unnecessary legal restriction. From the past studies, Letho and Lehtoranta (2004) study that MA synergies can be realized by owing unique technology and knowledge and then transferring these intangibles to the target firm. The industrial organization (IO) literature states that both horizaontal and industry-diversifying acquisitions might affect RD. When firms are active in the line of business, economies of scale in RD input can be occurred because of MAs. Besides, value can created also by MAs from uniting complementary know-how (Cassiman B, Colombo M, Garrone P, Veugelers R, 2003). Similarly, intangibles could matter in domestic as well as cross-border takeover (Kang and Johansson, 2000). The ratio of intangible assets (goodwill paid in earlier MAs has to be minus first) to total assets is used to examine these ideas. The financial synergies are realized by looking at the capital structure of potential acquirers. The idea is that when firms relying heavily on bank loans, it is risky to the firm and also acquirers will have less interest on the firm. Therefore, firms that relying heavily on bank loans will quickly seek to reduce their overall risk and recognize a lower cost of capital by engaging in industry-diversifying and in cross-border MAs. Indeed, cost of capital can be reduced when cash flows from target and bidders are not highly correlated. Besides, additional borrowing capacity post-MA can be created and this is a good performance for a firm after MA. If stock prices of a firm are down, the takeover of a firm can constitute a bargain relative to investing in new facilities in order to recover from scratch. Furthermore, the valuation of private targets is lower once stock market sentiment is down, through the use of a lower multiples or higher risk premium when valuing target stock. This under-valuation hypothesis suggests that stock prices and MA decisions are negatively related. In contrast, soaring stock prices can facilitate the financing of MAs in which they using bidder stock to pay for these deals. When firms consider that their stock to be over-valued, they tend to issue new shares (Shleifer and Vishny, 2003). There will be positive relationship between stock prices and external growth. However, the positive relationship may be difficult to observe when a sample is dominated by private enterprises. This is also because of those non-listed bidder stock is unwilling to be accepted by target investors. The average market-wide price earnings (P/E) ratio at the MA announcement date is used to capture stock market conditions, given that private firms dominate the sample. 2.3 Hypothesis Development The first hypothesis comes from our own assumption to examine how does a company perform post-MA compared to pre-MA. The assumption is that a company could perform better in the form of ratios because their capital has increased due to increase in non current assets. If a company obtains another company through MA, it is expected that they have certain amount of capital available to expand their firm size; therefore, there will be increase in capital in the form of ROE and ROA ratios once a firm is engaged in MA activities. H º =After MA, there will be increase in ratios of ROE and ROA H ¹=Before MA, asset ROA and ROE are higher From previous study of (Moeller, Schlingemann Stulz, 2004), it is known that they examined for the below hypothesis in their research. And this hypothesis will be tested in Malaysia context so that we will be able to measure the level of performance compared to the size of the firm. H º=Small firm perform better after MA H ¹=Acquirer’s firm perform worse after MA 2.4 Model/Framework Negative relationship Positive Relationship As proposed, the relationship between pre-MA is a negative relationship to the ratio. And it should be lower than post-MA ratio as after MA activities, the ratio should increase and higher. Positive relationship Negative relationship As proposed, the larger firm will adapt less well after MA compared to smaller firm. Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design The research will be carried out as an explanatory study. This study method is used for our research because this study will explain how MA affects performance of a company. The design will be carried out by using pair sample T-Test testing the relationship of the variables of performance of the company and the pre and post MA activities. The research will be carried out to test whether an MA activity does increase the performance of a company or it does not accelerate the activity of the company. Archival research will be used thoroughly to understand the improvement or deterioration in the firms post-MA compared to pre-MA. 3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling Procedure For our research for MA companies in Malaysia, a census will be conducted as it is expected that there are only several hundreds of companies that have conducted MA locally. The census data will be collected by using the Bursa Malaysia website via manual search and the usage of Osiris database. Therefore, the data will be collected through these 2 ways. 3.3 Data Collection Method As it is said, the data to be used will be secondary data. Documentary secondary data will be collected and used throughout this research. The data will be consisted of written materials which are companies’ annual reports. The annual report will be compiled based on the activities that are involved by the respective companies with a view that MA deals are conducted by the company within the years of investigation which range from year 2001 to 2005. References Rao, K.V., Sanker, K.R. (1997). Takeover as a Strategy of Turnaround. UTI edited book. Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Lee, K., Singh, A. (1998). â€Å"Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits†, in Begg, I. and Henry, S.G.B. (Eds), Applied Economics and Public Policy, Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Agundu, P.C., Karibo, N.O. (1999). â€Å"Risk analysis in corporate mergers decisions in developing economies†. Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, 12(2), 13-17. Moeller, S.B., Schlingemann, F.P., Stulz, R.M. (2004). â€Å"Firm size and the gains from acquisitions†. Journal of Financial Economics, 73, 201-28. Pilloff, S.J. (1996). 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Monday, October 14, 2019

The definition of stress and its history

The definition of stress and its history Stress is defined as an organisms complete reaction to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was initially studied in the middle of the twentieth century, the term was used to refer to both the reason and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the term stressor has been used for the inspiration that aggravates a stress response. One continuing discrepancy between researchers concerns the definition of stress in humans. Is it principally an external response that can be measured by changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor; or is it both? The meaning of stress depends on the approach that psychologists follow. Straightforwardly, stress just means effort, demand upon energy. Almost everything can create this stress position; a loud noise, a deadline, revision, late transport, or even simply getting up in the morning. However, there are three ways of approaching a definition of stress; Stress can be classified in terms of all individuals reacting in the same biological way, to the same stimulus. This is the stimulus based model, i.e. the stimulus causes the stress but our reaction is identical physiologically. Any awareness of a stress stimulus activates the hosts physiological response. This is general both across time (every time we encounter a stressor) and society. Stress can be defined as reliant upon the persons answer to the stressor. This is a more downbeat way of looking at stress. The individual is portrayed as suffering from stresses, feeling stressed. The individual is seen as having an immature coping mechanism. This internal response may also be down to diverse personality types or cultural influences, but the management of stress is seen as coming from internal change. The most accepted way of viewing and studying stress nowadays, is to use an interactions approach. This means we may all be faced with the same external stressor (stimulus) but the stress response that we display will fall heavily on our individual differences, gender or culture. In simple terms, the phrase exam is the same stimulus, but some characters will be feeling tense and worked regarding this near event, while other will appear more calm and less stress fluctuation. Psychologists try to find out the factor affecting this interaction and stress management depends on the perceived interaction and response. The term stress is conceptualised in many different ways by psychologists. Here are just a few: A state of psychological and physical tension produced, according to the transactional model, when there is a mismatch between the perceived demands of a situation (the stressor[s]) and the individuals perceived ability to cope. The consequent state of tension can be adaptive (eustress) or maladaptive (distress). Brody, R and D Dwyer (2002) Revise Psychology for AS Level, Hove, Psychology Press, p210 In my perception, this explains that stress is regarded as any given situation and an individual own views on this, whether they have set the bar too high or if it is achievable. For example, the situation is running the London Marathon. One person may have been training for many months or even years for this annual run and they feel they can achieve their goal, but another person who has not been training at all may feel confident when signing up, but as the day becomes closer, they begin to realise that the task is almost in-achievable, therefore becoming stressed. The non-specific response of the body to any demand Seyle (1950), in Eysench, M and C Flanagan (2000) Psychology for AS Level, Hove, Psychology Press, p137. This view explains that stress to them means that the body reacts in many ways to every situation given to that individual, no set response is guaranteed for the notable challenge. A pattern of negative physiological states and psychological responses occurring in situations where people perceive threats to their well-being which they may be unable to meet Lazarus Folkman (1984) in Gross, R; R McIlveen and H Coolican (2000) Psychology: A New Introduction for AS Level, London, Hodder Stoughton, p60 This explanation claims that stress is a response from the body which is triggered by a situation which the brain interprets and becomes threatened and overwhelmed. E.g. your first day at a new job. You arrive at your desk, given a long list of jobs needed completing, as its your first day, you dont know what to do so your brain reads this, resulting in the body reacting (shaking, sweating etc). The physical response of stress is all about the rapid mobilisation of energy. Hans Selye is credited with popularising the word stress as it is used today. Selye noticed that animals which were put in sustained stressful conditions all developed the same physical problems such as stomach ulcers, weight loss, abnormal changes in the size of glands (some shrunk, some enlarged), and impaired immune system functioning. Selye (1976) proposed that when exposed to sustained pressure there would be a standard response. He called this the General Adaptation Syndrome and divided it into three phases; Phase one Alarm Reaction. Immediate reactions of the organism to the stressful conditions, similar to Walter Canons (1939) theory of the fight or flight response. Phase two Resistance stage. The animal adapts to the demands of the stressor. However, this adaptation requires adaptation energy and this is gradually used up until the animal can no longer resist the stressor. Phase three Exhaustion. At this stage, the animals resistance to the stressor is so weakened that diseases become apparent. Most of the long-term adverse changes that Selye observed were due to the effects of another hormone involved in the stress response, cortisol. Cortisol has useful short-term effects; including mobilising energy stores and making us feel more alert. However, for various complex reasons, the long-term effects of cortisol are to down-regulate the immune system, disrupt the reproductive system, suppress the inflammatory response and even to damage areas of the brain which affect memory and mood. Joseph V. Brady (1958) trialled on monkeys the consequence of stress within different job roles and personalities. Brady positioned the monkeys in restraining chairs and conditioned each one to initiate a lever. Electric shocks were given every 20 seconds unless the level was actioned in the time span. This study came to an unexpected stop when many of the monkeys passed away from perforated ulcers. To analysis this Brady used a control monkey. He positioned an Executive Monkey in the restraining chair, which could press the lever to put a stop to the electric shock. The other monkeys had no power over the lever, leaving only the Executive monkey with the psychological stress of pushing the required button. The schedule to the electric shocks was six hours on followed by six hours off and after twenty-three days of this, the executive monkey died. Brady then attempted a variety of schedules, but no monkeys died from this. He then returned to the original work schedule of six on, six off and tested the stomachs of the Executives and discovered that their stomach acidity was at its peak during the rest period. The maximum risk materialised when the sympathetic arousal closed and the stomach was filled with digestive hormones. This was a parasympathetic rebound related with the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which began development of ulcers in the Executive monkeys. Throughout all the variations of the experiment, not a single yoked control monkey ever developed an ulcer. This proposes that the ulcers were a symptom of the excessive stress encouraged by having the control over the other monkeys fate. Hans Selyes General Adaptation Syndrome proposes a similar effect in the Exhaustion phase. There were two Whitehall studies, the first investigates the social factors of health, mainly cardio respiratory disease longevity and mortality rates within United Kingdom civil servants aged between twenty-four and sixty-five. The early study, Whitehall I Study, was carried out in 1967 and carried on for over ten years. A second chapter, the Whitehall II Study, inspected the health of 10,308 civil servants aged thirty-five and fifty-five. Only one third of these experimentees were women while the remaining two thirds were men. Whitehall II studied people within the working age. It looked into the links between work, stress and health. Whitehall II discovered organisation at work, climatisation at work, social influences, early life experiences as well as health behaviours all play a factor in determining the health social gradient. As partakers in this investigation resumes through adulthood, the research is concentrating on health inequalities and the aging populations ability to function adequately. With an ever increasing population of senior citizens in the United Kingdom, there is a vital need to establish what causes social inequalities and to study long-term repercussions on an individuals ability to function and have a healthy retirement. The social gradient in health is not so much a spectacle confined solely to the British Civil Service. All the way through the developed world wherever researchers have gained information to investigate, they have witnessed the social gradient in health. Health in equalities are a worldwide matter affecting people across the social gradient in rich, middle income, and poor nations. To have the ability to address inequalities in health it is essential to understand how social organisation affects health also to find ways to develop the state and circumstances in which people work and live. The Whitehall II fields of study in the lowest employments grades did demonstrated a higher chance of having many of the established hazardous factors of coronary heart disease (CHD): an inclination to smoke, lower height-to-weight ratio (higher chance of obesity and diabetes), less leisure time, and higher blood pressure. However, even after amending these factors to a more normal level, the lower employment grades were unfortunately, still at greater chance of a heart attack; another factor was at work. Some have directed the reason of CHD to cortisol, a hormone created by the body as a response to stress. A consequence of cortisol release is a reduction in the immune systems efficacy through lymphocyte manipulation. One theory illuminating the connection between immune-efficiency and CHD is that infectious pathogens such as herpes or Chlamydia are partially to blame for coronary diseases, thus a body with a chronically suppressed immune system will be less able to avert CHD. A substituted option to the cortisol explanation is that self-esteem is a key contributing factor and that the relationship between a professional accolade and self-esteem gives an explanation for the health gradient. The study favouring this observation related low self-esteem in test subjects with a greater decline in heart rate variability and higher heart rates in general-both established CHD risk factors-while acting out stressful tasks. At this current time there is no universally-accepted mode of causality for the occurrence exposed by the Whitehall studies. Clearly stress is associated to a greater risk of CHD, but so are many other unconventional factors. In addition to this, stress seems to be too non-specific. There are various kinds of stress in ones day-to-day life and each kind could contribute in a different way. The theory of Type A and Type B personality is a type of theory that describes a pattern of behaviours that were once regarded to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Since its commencement in the 1950s, the theory has been widely disapproved of for its scientific shortcomings. It nonetheless continues in the form of pop psychology within the general population. Type A individuals can be portrayed as impatient, controlling, concerned about their status, highly competitive, ambitious, aggressive, having difficulty relaxing; and are occasionally detested by individuals with Type B personalities for the way that theyre constantly rushing. They are often impressively achieving workaholics who multitask, drive ones self with deadlines to meet, and are uneasy about delays. Because of these attributes, Type A individuals are often portrayed as stress junkies. Type B individuals, in comparison to type As, are described as patient, relaxed, and easy-going, basically lacking any sense sense of urgency. This can also be illustrated as lazy and lacking ambition. Individuals who live with their parents well into their adulthood are an example. Because of these traits, Type B individuals are often depicted by Type As as apathetic and disengaged. There is also a Type AB mixed profile for people who are not easily categorised or not fit into A or B purely. Meyer Friedman portrayed a suggestion in his 1996 book, Type A Behaviour: Its Diagnosis and Treatment, that Type A behaviour is expressed in three major indicators. One of these symptoms is thought to be concealed and therefore less observable, whereas the other two are more visible; Symptoms of Type A Behaviour Time urgency and impatience, resulting in irritation and exasperation. Free floating resentment, which can be started by even minor events. Ready for action, this made them familiar towards achievement which caused them to be stressed due to them wanting to be the greatest at whatever they may be doing i.e. sports or in work. Type A behaviour was first explained as a likely risk factor in coronary heart disease (CHD) in the 1950s by cardiologists Meyer Friedman and R. H. Rosenman. After a nine-year investigation of healthy men, aged thirty-five to fifty-nine, Friedman Rosenman approximated that the risk of coronary heart disease in Type A individuals is double than that of otherwise healthy individuals. This research had a huge effect in inspiring the development of the field of health psychology, in which psychologists view how a persons mental state affects his or her health in a physical state. Type A/B theory has been put under scrutiny on a number of grounds e.g. statisticians have disputed that the original study by Friedman and Rosenman had serious limitations, comprising of large and unequal sample sizes, and less than one percent of the variance in links explained by Type A personality. Psychometrically, the actions that define the syndrome are not highly associated, indicating that this is a collection of separate tendencies, not a logical pattern or type. Type theories universally have been slated as overly simplistic and incapable of assessing the degrees of variety in human personality. Researchers also found that Type A behaviour is a poor predictor of coronary heart disease. Research by Redford Williams of Duke University, states the unfriendliness component of Type A personality is the pure and simple risk factor thus, it is a high level of conveyed anger and hostility, not the other components of Type A behaviour that constitute the problem. On the basis of these condemnations, Type A theory has been termed outdated by many researchers in contemporary health psychology and personality psychology. To conclude, all three of these theories demonstrate positive relations between situations, theories and stress, however, as stress is an un-defined phrase, not one nor is the other able to give us further insight into how to control the stress illness relationship. The comparison between all three however, is that a combination of cognitive approach along with behavioural approach creates a physiological reaction.